Non-surgical Lip Augmentation is one of Dr Shareka's most popular aesthetic treatments.

Lip enhancements can give patients fuller, plumper lips and a more defined lip border.  They can also be used to align the upper and lower lip by creating a balance between them. It can also revitalise the definition and volume that ageing has removed.

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Lip Augmentation Information

Some of the reasons for Lip Augmentation are:

  • More Definition
  • More Volume
  • Enhanced, Fuller Shape
  • Correcting Asymmetry

How does it work?

Dr Shareka only uses dermal fillers that are made of Hyaluronic Acid, which is naturally found in the skin. This can be injected into the lips to alter their appearance by increasing their fullness.  As much or as little can be injected as you like, for a more subtle or a more dramatic look.

What does the procedure involve?

Lip enhancements will always be done with a topical anaesthetic cream to reduce any pain experienced.  Small amounts of filler will be injected into the border of the lips and/ or the body, depending on your desired result.  The procedure should take roughly 30-40 minutes.

Are there any risks/ side effects?

The most common side effects are swelling, bruising and redness.  These should all subside a few days post-treatment.  Always make sure to use a trained medical professional.  I am trained to deal with any rare but possible medical emergencies that could potentially occur.  The fillers I use are all reversible should any complications arise.

Are lip augmentations suitable for everyone?

There are some contraindications, for example, pregnancy or breastfeeding.  Also, if you have any allergies you may not be suitable.  Before any procedure, I will have a thorough face to face initial consultation and assessment with all patients to make sure you are suitable for treatment.


It is important to try and avoid alcohol, aspirin & ibuprofen before and after treatment.



  • The use of intermittent ice packs and arnica cream can help
  • Avoid excessive heat to keep any complications to a minimum
  • Drink lots of water post-treatment to aid your body's healing and to enhance the effect of the hyaluronic acid

A full list of side effects, cautions and contraindications will be discussed at the face to face consultation.

Aftercare advice is given to every patient after treatment and I am available for after treatment concerns and emergency care if needed.


CONSULTATION - £25 redeemable on treatment

0.5ml - £200  |  1ml - £250

Lip Dissolving | with Hyalase - from £200
